Aboyne and Mid Deeside Community Shed (ACS) available under conditions of use by user groups and organisations from the Mid Deeside Community.
The building consists of two levels, the lower level being a multi-use workshop space with the upper floor as a mixed use social, arts/crafts activities area with office, demonstration kitchen and toilets.
Floor dimensions are 10m x 18m with external disabled access ramp to the upper floor main entrance and ground floor workshop.
our vision in providing this building is to improve the health and well-being of Mid Deeside residents by reducing rural social isolation through a facility built specifically for purposeful activity, whether workshop or craft room based, or purely social.
With a near central village location and benefiting from its own water supply, air source heating, solar power generation coupled with future plans for battery storage of off peak/excess solar electricity, the building is an excellent example of an energy efficient community facility.